Tuesday, December 19, 2006

3 Months Old Today

Maggi Here.

The little man is already 3 months old...here he is with Dwight on the front stairs.

From Dec 2006

I take of every Tuesday in order to spend with Atticus (plus we only could get daycare three days a week). Today just happens to be his three month b-day. I am still in awe at how fast and slow time can seem at the same time. Fast when you look back at what has been accomplished and slow when awake at 2 am, 3:30 am and especially 4 am with a baby up for no reason.

Every week Tuesday rolls around and I expect to accomplish all the items that have been on my mind but have not had time to do - and every Tuesday they never get done. The goal today was to get some xmas shopping done...but of course, it was a no go. I even took Attie to TJMaxx, walked around and decided to do this all another day - and walked out with nothing. Some of me is annoyed that I can't seem to get anything done, but the majority of me has started to not care as long as I can spend a good day with Atticus. Amazing how my priorities have shifted and things that were at one time very important...seems to fall by the wayside or find themselves getting pushed off the to do list (or at least to the very bottom).

Here's Attie and my mom from Thurs of last week

From Dec 2006

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